Land Division Committee Applications

Land Division Committee Applications Lawyers You Can Trust
When looking to sell, mortgage, or lease part of your property, you need consent from the governing municipality. This means you have to undergo an application and approval process that, if not completed correctly, can cause seemingly endless frustration and cost you time and money.
But with the right land division committee applications lawyer on your side, you can get peace of mind knowing your application process will be expedient and issue-free.

Rely on Experienced Real Estate Lawyers
As real estate lawyers with nearly 50 years of experience, we know how to navigate the land division committee application process so that when you prepare your application, it will be error-free, ensuring it is swiftly approved.
We will:
- Explain the impact subdivision has on easements, rights-of-way, and other property matters.
- Help you file applications for approval of consent to land division under the Planning Act.
- Empower you with insight into future planning goals and the community.
Save yourself time, money, and a series of legal headaches with our team.
Real Estate

Stalwart Members of Our Community
Rose, Persiko, Rakowsky, Melvin LLP has a 40-year history of delivering clients the outcomes they want and being responsible members of our community.
- Baycrest Foundation
- Reena Foundation
- Public Accounting Licensing Review Committee
- Mount Sinai Hospital
Our lawyers have been called on to provide expert opinion in cases involving real estate transactions.
Complete Projects on Time and Within Budget With Our Land Division Committee Applications Lawyers
The land division committee application process can be long and complex – but it doesn’t have to be. Work with expert real estate lawyers and get the results you want – fast.
Get in touch today.
Contact us to speak with a lawyer